College and Career Academies are specialized charter schools that increase the graduation rate and prepare students for college and careers

The From HERE to CAREER Academy partners with post-secondary partners,
regional businesses and industry, and community partners.

At CCA, curriculum is designed around the needs and expectations of local business. This allows CCA to respond to a rapidly changing economy by seamlessly combining academics with career and technical education, and by combining that education with businesses and industry. The majority of CCA classes are dual enrollment with GNTC and DSC, so students earn college credit, technical college certificates, and industry-recognized credentials of value.
CTAE stands for Career, Technical and Agricultural Education. These courses integrate core academic knowledge with technical and occupational skills to prepare students for post-secondary education and the workforce.
Possibly. Students requesting to participate in more than one pathway should discuss it with a Counselor to see if it will work with their schedule.
Yes. A pathway can absolutely be changed within the first week of school as long as there is room in the newly chosen pathway. However, once the drop/add deadline passes for college courses, any changes would take place in successive semesters or school years.
Yes, CCA offers career-related and academic pathway courses that can earn college credit for free. A student may earn up to 30 hours of free college/university credit while in high school. Learn More
Credits earned at CCA are placed on each student’s high school transcript at the end of the school year.
190 Catoosa Circle, Ringgold, GA 30736

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